Introducing the High Grade Build Fighters Amazing Exia - a thrilling fusion of power and precision. Inspired by the iconic Gundam Exia from the Build...
Introducing the High Grade Build Fighters 1/144 Amazing Red Warrior - a stunning addition to your Gunpla collection. Inspired by the action-packed series Gundam Build...
Introducing the High Grade 1/144 Build Fighters Support Valuable Pod - the ultimate companion for enhancing your Gunpla battles. Inspired by the dynamic world of...
Introducing the High Grade 1/144 Build Fighters Transient Gundam Glacier - a stunning representation of power and elegance. Inspired by the dynamic world of Gundam...
Introducing the High Grade Build Fighters 1/144 Wing Gundam Zero Honoo - a fiery embodiment of power and elegance. Inspired by the beloved Gundam Wing...